(Best and Easy) Support Vector Machines(SVM) + HOG Tutorial | OpenCV 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 | Windows 10 | Visual Studio 2015 | x64 | Train & Test
Hello Friends,
Have you ever wondered how can you create your own OpenCV 3 Support Vector Machines(SVM) + HOG Classifier? Did you want to create your own classifier that actually works? Are you tried of searching google for a good SVM tutorial but all you find it bunch of example SVM Tutorials that does nothing but show a test image with useless circles?
If the answer is Yes! , you have come to the right place my friend.
I have myself struggled a lot to get this working all because there wasn’t a good tutorial anywhere that existed which would teach you the SVM.
In this tutorial, we’ll create a simple Car Detector using SVM aka Support Vector Machines.
So, before we get started, let’s look at the pre-requisites.
1) Visual Studio 2015
2) Windows 10 x64 (works best)
3) OpenCV 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and above
4) Patience !!
If you are someone who doesn’t really bother what’s going on behind the scene and would want to straight out implement this goddamn classifier, then without further due, let’s look at the code. (Although, i would prefer that you understand what’s what before actually using it, but I know you always don’t have that options 🙂 !!!)
Special Note: A lot of things have changed between OpenCV 2.x and OpenCV 3.x builds with respect to SVM. I mean if you are trying to port the code or maybe using the existing classifier that you created in OpenCV 2.x in OpenCV 3.x, man you better off start fresh because things have changed like hell.
Step by Step for Training Phase:
1) Create a new ’empty’ project in Visual Studio 2015
2) Link the OpenCV Includes and Libs with the project (Follow this link on how to install OpenCV 3.3 with Visual Studio and run a test Solution)
3) For Training, Create 3 files namely:
a) Train.cpp
b) Datamanager.cpp
c) Datamanager.h
4) Name your classifier file under “svm->save(“firetrain.yml”);” to your desired filename
5) Create a folder called “Positive” inside the project and add all the positive images to it. (Size 64×64)
6) Create a folder called “Negative” inside the project and add all the Negative images to it. (Size 64×64)
7) (Optional) Use svm->trainAuto(td); instead of svm->train(td) to set value of C and gamma, but it takes a lot of time
Note: Shortly, after this post, i’ll create a crop_image software to assist you with the cropping of images.
Step by Step for Detection Phase:
1) Create a new ’empty’ project in Visual Studio 2015
2) Link the OpenCV Includes and Libs with the project (Follow this link on how to install OpenCV 3.3 with Visual Studio and run a test Solution)
3) For Detection, Create 1 file called “DetectCode.cpp” by excluding the above 3 training files and also referencing the classifier file in “#define TRAINED_SVM “firetrain.yml” that you created in training phase.
Note: There are hog parameters that you need to tune accordingly. I have plans to create a HOG based UI software, so that you can easily get all those parameters from your referenced image. Stay tuned for updates for it.
Algorithm pipeline(Training svm):
– > From the image dataset that you have created, randomly separate it into training and test set(80%, 20% split)
– > Set the hog windowSize(64×64) and Compute the HOG features for the training image set containing vehicles and non-vehicles.
– > Train a SVM using these HOG features. (Use linear or RBF SVM)
– > Test the trained SVM on the separate test imageset and evaluate the results and performance.
– > For the real world test, run a sliding window and use the SVM from above to predict vehicle/non-vehicle.
Algorithm pipeline(Detectting car in video):
– > Extract individual frame of the video frames.
– > Convert each captured frame into grayscale image.
– > Discard the upper half containing the sky part.
– > Choose a sliding window size, and resize to the trained size; Use SVM to predict
– > Filter the detect points for false positive(use template matching only for the subsection of detected)
Codes :
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 | #ifndef _DATASETMANAGER_H #define _DATASETMANAGER_H #include <iostream> struct DataSet { std::string filename; float label; }; class DataSetManager { private: // user defined data member float testDataPercent; float validationDataPercent; // derrived or internally calculated int totalDataNum; int totalTrainDataNum; int totalTestDataNum; int totalValidationDataNum; public: //constructor DataSetManager(); // setter and getter methods void setTestDataPercent(float num); void setValidationDataPercent(float num); int getTotalDataNum(); int getTotalTrainDataNum(); int getTotalTestDataNum(); int getTotalValidationDataNum(); // primary functions of the class void addData(std::string folderName, int classlabel); void read(); void display();// displays the read file names for debugging void distribute(); // ideally these are private; need to update std::vector<DataSet> dataList; std::vector<DataSet> TrainData; std::vector<DataSet> TestData; std::vector<DataSet> ValidationData; }; #endif |
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using namespace cv::ml; using namespace std; bool file_exists(const string &file); void draw_locations(Mat & img, const vector< Rect > & locations, const Scalar & color); void readImage(string imgname, Mat & im); //void test_image(Mat & img, const Size & size); void test_video(const Size & size); bool checkIfpatchIsVehicle(Mat & img2check); void printHOGParams(HOGDescriptor &hog) { cout << "HOG descriptor size is " << hog.getDescriptorSize() << endl; cout << "hog.windowSize: " << hog.winSize << endl; cout << " cellsize " << hog.cellSize << endl; cout << " hog.nbins " << hog.nbins << endl; cout << " blockSize " << hog.blockSize << endl; cout << " blockStride " << hog.blockStride << endl; cout << " hog.nlevels " << hog.nlevels << endl; cout << " hog.winSigma " << hog.winSigma << endl; cout << " hog.free_coef " << hog.free_coef << endl; cout << " hog.DEFAULT_NLEVELS " << hog.DEFAULT_NLEVELS << endl; } int main(int argc, char** argv) { test_video(IMAGE_SIZE); return 0; } void readImage(string imgname, Mat & im) { im = imread("54.jpg", IMREAD_COLOR); if (im.empty()) { cout << " Invalid image read, imgname =argv[1] = " << imgname << endl; CV_Assert(false); } //cout<<"****** successfully image read, imgname = "<<imgname<<endl; } bool file_exists(const string &file) { return _access(file.c_str(), 0) == 0; } void get_svm_detector(const Ptr<SVM>& svm, vector< float > & hog_detector) { // get the support vectors Mat sv = svm->getSupportVectors(); const int sv_total = sv.rows; // get the decision function Mat alpha, svidx; double rho = svm->getDecisionFunction(0, alpha, svidx); cout << "alpha = " << alpha << endl; //CV_Assert(alpha.total() == 1 && svidx.total() == 1 && sv_total == 1); //CV_Assert((alpha.type() == CV_64F && alpha.at<double>(0) == 1.) || //(alpha.type() == CV_32F && alpha.at<float>(0) == 1.f)); //CV_Assert(sv.type() == CV_32F); hog_detector.clear(); hog_detector.resize(sv.cols + 1); memcpy(&hog_detector[0], sv.ptr(), sv.cols * sizeof(hog_detector[0])); hog_detector[sv.cols] = (float)-rho; } void draw_locations(Mat & img, const vector< Rect > & locations, const Scalar & color) { if (!locations.empty()) { vector< Rect >::const_iterator loc = locations.begin(); vector< Rect >::const_iterator end = locations.end(); for (; loc != end; ++loc) { rectangle(img, *loc, color, 2); } } } void test_video(const Size & size) { char key = 27; Mat img, draw; Ptr<SVM> svm; HOGDescriptor hog; hog.winSize = size; vector< Rect > locations; vector< Rect > found_filtered; // Load the trained SVM. svm = StatModel::load<SVM>(TRAINED_SVM); // Set the trained svm to my_hog vector< float > hog_detector; get_svm_detector(svm, hog_detector); hog.setSVMDetector(hog_detector); printHOGParams(hog); VideoCapture video; // Open the video file. video.open(TRAFFIC_VIDEO_FILE); if (!video.isOpened()) { cerr << "Unable to open the device" << endl; exit(-1); } // Get the frame rate double rate = video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS); cout << " Frame rate : " << rate << endl; cout << " Input video codec :" << video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC); // initilaize the video writer object to write the video output std::string outputFile(OUT_Video_File); VideoWriter writer; int codec = static_cast<int>(video.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC)); //int codec = CV_FOURCC('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'); bool isWriterInitialized = false; int num_of_vehicles = 0; bool end_of_process = false; while (!end_of_process) { video >> img; if (img.empty()) break; draw = img.clone(); Mat cropped; cv::resize(draw, cropped, Size(720, 560)); Mat temp, temp3; cvtColor(cropped, temp, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); /*Mat bgr[3]; //destination array split(temp3,bgr);//split source temp = bgr[0]+bgr[2]; */ if (isWriterInitialized) { //execute only once isWriterInitialized = true; /*writer.open(outputFile, capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC), capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FPS), Size(capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH),capture.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)), true);*/ writer.open(outputFile, codec, rate, cropped.size(), true); } locations.clear(); // Rect(x,y,w,h) w->width=cols;h->rows // first remove the upper 50% from height Original Cropped =size(720,560)=(cols,rows) Mat roi = temp(Rect(0, temp.rows*0.5, temp.cols, temp.rows - temp.rows*0.5)); //size(roi) = size(720,280) //cout<<"roi.size() = "<<roi.size()<<endl; int y_offset = temp.rows*0.5; //again crop the lower 10 % to remove the images near dashboard-> remove false positives roi = roi(Rect(0, 0, roi.cols, roi.rows - 100)); //cout<<"roi.size() = "<<roi.size()<<endl; //no offset required as this is the lower row colums. //hog.detectMultiScale(roi, locations); //hog.detectMultiScale(roi, locations, 1, Size(50, 50), Size(32, 32), 1, 2);//对图片进行多尺度行人检测 hog.detectMultiScale(roi, locations, 0.00, Size(4, 8), Size(0, 0), 1.05, 2);//less false positive //hog.detectMultiScale(roi, locations, 0.00, Size(8,8), Size(0,0), 1.05, 2);// less true negative(missed) // add the offset std::vector<Rect>::iterator it = locations.begin(); std::vector<Rect>::iterator itend = locations.end(); vector<Rect> actuallocations; bool isVehicle = false; for (; it != itend; it++) { Rect current = *it; //cout<<" Rect current = "<< current<<endl; //cout<<" roi size= "<<roi.size()<<endl; Mat roi2Check = roi(Rect(current.x, current.y, current.width, current.height));//define a roi of 50x50 //cout<<" roi2Check size= "<<roi2Check.size()<<endl; isVehicle = checkIfpatchIsVehicle(roi2Check); if (isVehicle) actuallocations.push_back(Rect(current.x, current.y + y_offset, current.width, current.height)); } if (0 != actuallocations.size()) draw_locations(cropped, actuallocations, Scalar(0, 255, 0)); imshow(WINDOW_NAME, cropped); if (save_video) writer.write(cropped); //wait infinite fro keypress key = (char)waitKey(3); if (27 == key) end_of_process = true; } // Close the video file. // Not required since called by destructor writer.release(); video.release(); } bool checkIfpatchIsVehicle(Mat & img2check) { //cout<<"******inside function checkIfPatchIsVehicle "<<endl; bool isVehicle = false; //util::imdisp(img2check,"im2check"); vector<string> templateList; templateList.push_back("temp1.png"); templateList.push_back("temp2.png"); templateList.push_back("temp3.png"); templateList.push_back("temp4.png"); templateList.push_back("temp5.png"); templateList.push_back("temp6.png"); templateList.push_back("temp7.png"); //templateList.push_back("temp8.png"); //templateList.push_back("temp9.png");templateList.push_back("temp10.png"); Mat matchScore = Mat::zeros(7, 1, CV_32FC1); for (int ii = 0; ii<templateList.size(); ii++) { Mat result; string imgname = templateList.at(ii); Mat templ, img2check_copy; readImage(imgname, templ); cvtColor(templ, templ, COLOR_BGR2GRAY); cv::resize(img2check, img2check, Size(50, 50)); cv::resize(templ, templ, Size(50, 50)); int result_cols = img2check.cols - templ.cols + 1; int result_rows = img2check.rows - templ.rows + 1; result.create(result_rows, result_cols, CV_32FC1); Canny(img2check, img2check_copy, 50, 150); //util::imdisp(img2check_copy,"canny"); /// Do the Matching and Normalize matchTemplate(img2check_copy, templ, result, CV_TM_CCORR_NORMED); /// Localizing the best match with minMaxLoc double minVal; double maxVal; Point minLoc; Point maxLoc; Point matchLoc; minMaxLoc(result, &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc, Mat()); matchScore.at<float>(ii, 0) = maxVal; if (maxVal>0.15) isVehicle = true; } //cout<<"MatchScore = "<<endl<<matchScore<<endl; float total = sum(matchScore)[0]; cout << "sum(Matchscore) = " << cv::sum(matchScore)[0] << std::endl; if (total>0.13*templateList.size()) isVehicle = true; //waitKey(); return isVehicle; } |
Files for Download
Test Images containing Positive and Negative Dataset
1) testdatafolder
Hi, where is the Traffic video you used for testing? Detection of my test videos is very slow.
I am wondering.The validationDataPercent value is 0.Why is not 80.I couldn’t understand it.
you can configure that as per your need.